Enduring Memorials Logo

With Enduring Respect

437 Shakespeare St
West Mackay QLD 4740


Enduring Memorials


If you have a family member’s headstone or grave that has aged and weathered that you would like repaired or restored to ensure the memory of your loved one is respected for many years to come, then please contact us about our headstone or grave restoration services. We help customers throughout Central Queensland including Mackay, Mirani and Sarina.

Restoration services can include a simple clean and paint to a full restore of broken monuments and graves. Inscriptions can be repainted or regilded to look new. Marble plaques with lead lettering can be cleaned and enhanced.

In restoring heritage listed items a best practice approach is used keeping with Department of Heritage guidelines.

Restoration Examples
Enduring Memorials Logo

Enduring Memorials provide a high standard of memorials and monuments for the people of Mackay and surrounding communities. Our service includes the machining of stone, concrete and tiles, headstone refurbishments, garden and pet memorials and glass frosting.

437 Shakespeare St West Mackay, QLD 4740

(07) 4953 1070